Created by Tanner Braden with the help of Claude
About Virtuist
What are virtues?
Virtues are universal behavioral instruments that elicit lasting peace and joy.
Just as musical instruments---like the piano---can elicit emotional experiences, virtues---like gratitude or empathy---are behavioral instruments that when wielded skillfully can elicit lasting emotional experiences of peace and/or joy in oneself and others.
Why does this app exist?
I'm building Virtuist in hopes that it will enable and inspire more individuals and families to practice virtues, thereby reducing suffering and increasing peace and joy.
I have observed that while both religious and secular organizations succeed at helping people practice some virtues, they fail to help with other virtues.
This app is my attempt to pave a better path that we can all walk together, helping each other practice virtues that will bring us all greater peace and joy.
What are the plans for this app?
My vision is to build an app similar to Duolingo, but instead of helping people study and practice their choice of foreign languages it will help them study and practice virtues.
I plan to first focus on the app itself, building it into a gamified experience with a robust library of resources.
Then I plan to try to enable Virtuists to connect with each other and build local communities on a common foundation of virtues.
How can you help?
- Share Virtuist with your family and friends, inviting them to practice and study virtues with you.
- Email me at hello@virtuist.app to share your ideas for app features, practice exercises and example stories.
- Donate below so I can invest more time and money into building Virtuist. Every dollar helps and is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!